An Audience with an Author – Linn B Halton

It’s a great pleasure to drop by and visit you today Sue and tell you all about my latest book, Never Alone.

It’s the last of five manuscripts I wrote when I first began writing in 2009. At that time I hadn’t thought beyond the writing process, really! I had absolutely no idea how long it takes to go through the editing process and get a book out there. In the meantime I signed with Sapphire Star Publishing for two of those five manuscripts and decided I would also self-publish. I enjoy being able to mix it up and it has been a positive in terms of what I’ve learnt about the processes and publishing. It also means I can easily mix genres – so I now have one chick lit, three with a psychic hint to them and one true story.

With my debut novel (Touched By The Light) I really enjoyed weaving the complicated twists in the storyline and when I wrote Never Alone I set myself a challenge. Could I write a story and keep that ‘twist’ to the very end, whereas with Touched By The Light it unravels much earlier in the process. I wondered whether the readers would spot the subtle clues in Never Alone or be shocked when they read the final chapter.

I’m awaiting the first reviews, but early feedback I’ve had includes:

“I have hardly thought of anything else since I read it….that’s a good thing I think. In fact, I want to re-read it to make sure I didn’t miss any ‘hints’…I already re-read the ending right after I finished!”

“Thought provoking to say the least!”

“My jaw dropped open…”

As far as initial reactions go, I’m delighted! This story is meant to make readers think about life, the decisions we make and how we can often be guilty of living one day at a time without thinking too much about the future. That’s fine if you are happy, but what if that isn’t the case and you are choosing to gloss over it, because facing up to it means change? That’s the position Holly finds herself in, despite having ‘the perfect’ life…

A contemporary romance with a Twist!

NeverAlonecover“It’s a gift to be shown something that allows you to make a difference and alter the outcome of someone else’s life.neveralonegirl However, the weight of the responsibility that goes along with that is huge and what about the ethics? The thing I have to ask myself, is how did my actions change the future?” Holly Elizabeth Atherton

Holly is the envy of all her friends, she has lived with the gorgeous Will for five years and supported him every step of the way. His IT business is about to go global and they are on the verge of having all their dreams come true!  A life split between homes in the UK and Los Angeles beckons, offering them a glamorous and exciting lifestyle they will both fit into quite perfectly. So when Will pops the question, why won’t Holly say ‘yes’?

Portrait of man at home with computer

neveralonemale2A series of terrifying encounters unleashes an inherited psychic connection within Holly. Her ‘perfect’ life is turned upside down as she struggles with the reality of her ‘gift’. Help comes from a chance meeting with medium Peter Shaw and she discovers that she is also being given healing and protection by the spirits of two people. One of them is her best friend’s brother, Nick, who died suddenly in tragic circumstances. Holly finds herself confiding in him in an attempt to sort out her own life.

She begins to sense that the path she’s on isn’t the one she’s destined for, but is it too late to change things? The thought of hurting the people she loves the most causes her to bury her emotions, until fate takes a hand………..

Life’s all about the choices we make …

Thanks so much Sue for being a part of my Fiction Addiction Book Tour and for being a fab host!

Linn’s links:

A author
Signed by:
Twitter: @LinnBHalton
Facebook: Linn B Halton
Romantic Novelists’ Association page (buy) (buy)


It’s been a pleasure to have Linn here today and I would like to thank Fiction Addiction Book Tours for organising this.

20 thoughts on “An Audience with an Author – Linn B Halton

  1. Morning Sue! Delighted to be here with you on the book tour … wish it was in person and we could natter over a coffee and cake! Hope you have a lovely day. It’s snowing heavily here and Arlingham has ground to a halt. Five miles of narrow, windy lanes to the A38 are a good reason to stay indoors. Lxx

    • Hi Linn, it’s great to have you here … and yes, it would be so lovely if it were in person, especially if there’s cake involved! Home from work early due to the snow (Yay!). Have a great day – I’m looking forward to reading Never Alone. xx

  2. I simply can’t wait to read Never Alone. It’s on my Kindle now in all it’s full colour glory. Good luck with the tour Linn and congratulations on publication on your 5th novel – I’m in both admiration and awe!

  3. Sadly, too many people fail to think about the future (do I sound like I’m in insurance? 😉 ). It does no good to dwell on negatives, but someitmes we need to be aware of the future in our daily lives and be ready to embrace it. Thanks for that subtle hint, Linn. Loving the sound of Never Alone. Adore the cover! GOOD LUCK! And well done you on FIVE novels! Wow! 🙂 xx

    • Hi Sheryl – thank you! The first feedback I had was from a reader who said it made her sit down and think about some of the major decisions she’d made. She realised with hindsight that she was making the same mistake over and over again. I wasn’t sure whether to feel delighted or that I should rush around and hold her hand, with a box of Kleenex! Lxx

  4. *waves * Heya Linn, what a rocking tour you’re undertaking. I can’t wait to read Never Alone, it’s on my TBR and I’m just trying frantically to make some time. I am thoroughly intrigued and will be on the lookout for hints. Good to see you here and I brought some cake and bubbly. XXX

  5. I loved this book, absolutely. I also love then tour so far, very nice! Best of luck to you dear!

  6. Hello ladies! Thank you for taking part in the tour Sue. Was hoping to have a snow day today but alas, we were the ONLY school open in this borough I believe! See you later at the Twitter Party 🙂

  7. Pingback: Fiction Addiction Book Tours : Tour details for Never Alone by Linn B Halton «

  8. Nipped by to say that I am really enjoying your tour. Thanks Sue for this super interview. I am in awe of Linn, her energy and her wonderful books!

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